Aruba, Jamaica, Ooo…I wanna take ya…
So, thinking about a trip to Maui or maybe somewhere in the Florida Keys, such as Key Largo? The Beach Boys and maybe that sign post over there at (the former) Billy’s Pizza and Subs Carryout on Rt. 54 can help you plan that trip.

This sign conveniently lists the distance to many places that some people only dream about. Unless you just want to go to Fenwick Island, which is to the east just over the bridge crossing the Fenwick Ditch (that’s the body of water to the east of the Catch 54 Restaurant and west of Harpoon Hanna’s Restaurant). However, none of those “other places” are as a good a place to live as right here in good ol’ West Fenwick – where many people, indeed, have dreamed about moving.